He will also be able to receive liquids via the tube, so hopefully future incidents of dehydration brought on by insensitive, harried, or downright lazy staff at the nursing home not taking the time to help him drink fluids regularly throughout the day can be avoided. Yes, I know, I shouldn't be critical...I know how valuable a CNA's time is and how demanding their jobs are and how downright horribly interruptive it is for them to have to take ten minutes out several times a day to assist a patient with drinking a glass of water. I am certain they DO have far more important duties than tending to the basic needs of patients who cannot care for themselves. Oh wait...attending to patient's needs IS the job of a CNA! My bad...I may have to re-think this. Hmmm...maybe there is simply a water shortage at his nursing home? Is there a water ration somewhere in the city that I am not aware of?
Nonetheless, hopefully Sonny will at least be better hydrated, which IS a plus (pardon me while I pull my tongue out of my cheek).
Otherwise he is improving, so we are hopeful that he will be discharged from the hospital by the end of the weekend. Thank you to Julie and Cristine for your kind thoughts, Tim for your thoughtful visit, to JD and Teri for the warm fuzzy eagle blanket that has give Sonny something beautiful to hold onto during his hospital stay, to our Mom for being so constantly present and level-headed for Sonny, and to Scott for just being here throughout even when it is painful.
"...The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members." ~Pearl S. Buck