Sonny's braces came in for his feet and the splints for his hands yesterday. The collar is from another company and should be here next week. The physical therapist said he will have them on two hours a day to start and gradually increase the time. The left foot brace is more complicated than the right foot as it is in worse shape. Hopefully it can push it into the correct position over time.
Sonny fell out of bed again Sunday morning so he has mats on both sides of the bed. The strange thing is that he actually flipped and landed face down with his head at the foot of the bed and his feet at the head. He must have been trying to sit up and just kept on going! I guess he wants out of there as much as we want him out!!
Thank you to whoever brought in the square plastic buckets and organized his mail in one and lotions, etc in the other. They are helping to keep things together.
• THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2008 8:11 PM, CST
I know, I haven't posted in a while. But we've been fighting again to get things done and have finally made more progress. An "orthotist" came to North Creek today and checked Sonny out from top to bottom and is ordering a neck brace called a "Kentucky Collar". We are finally going to get his head straight again. Also splints for both hands and adjustable braces for his feet and lower legs. Sonny will be wearing his "bionics" on the outside!! His doctor is also getting Botox for his neck. It will relax those muscles and make it easier for the brace to work. He was also measured for a new wheel chair that will fit him and make it less stressful for him to spend time in it. The orthotist, Frank, said that the braces will also make him more comfortable and more mobile so he should be able to stay up for longer periods. And the more he is up the more awake he seems to be.
I also had a chance to meet again with Shea, his speech therapist. She said he just isn't ready for food yet so she is backing off for a while. But she is training the aides in his oral care and to track his responses to stimulus. She is putting a packet together for me on some of the "environmental modification" issues and I will leave it in the book case. For example she said that when she cleans his mouth she first closes the door, turns out the light, and turns off the TV so it is quiet and dark. Then she tells him what she is going to do. I tried that tonight and I couldn't believe how much easier it was!! He opened his mouth and didn't fuss at all. I guess I will do everything in the dark from now on--except the shaving.
I also watched him respond to the occupational therapist. She said he does work with her, relaxes muscles when she tells him to and pushes back when she tells him to. Progress!!!!
Christmas cards are coming in and I am reading and "showing". Today he really looked at a new card and focused. It was a red one which seems to be a color to catch his attention. So thank you all for sending and please continue.
Sonny had a big day yesterday!! He got a good wheelchair of his own and was up for a couple of hours! Sam said he was really sweating after being up that long. He also got a shower!!!! And boy! does he smell better!! He has a new occupational therapist who wants him up and "dressed" every day, spending longer periods of time in the chair. Tracy - he wore the jammie bottoms you brought up . I guess he thought that dressed meant "time to leave" because he managed to roll himself out of bed again right before I got there. Pulled the PEG tube loose and made a mess. There was a small mat on the floor by his bed but they have brought out the thicker mat again. We can't figure how he got over the pile of pillows that are on that side but I guess he was determined. Both legs are already moving better since he is getting more therapy and he was really awake and restless last night. It will be interesting to see what today brings.
• MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008 8:19 PM, CST
Hi again, We did make some more progress this week. Sonny was up in a wheel chair both Friday and Saturday so he finally got a tour of the facility! Of course he slept through the entire thing on Friday. But he was awake on Saturday. He was up for over an hour then and really went to sleep when he was settled in bed again. I talked with the speech therapist and she said that he is handling the ice chips well but his attention span is pretty short and he forgets to chew and swallow after a while. She did say she would try a little bit of pudding this week. He is letting me brush his teeth with the electric toothbrush but he does really bite it. However, if I tell him repeatedly to let me see his tongue he will open his mouth enough that I can get it cleaned off. That is really an improvement as it has been something of a battle.
I also worked with Dave, his physical therapist. It was nice to have some extra days off during the week so I could see these people. We're on the same page now with his therapy and his legs are a little bit looser than they were. If any of you get a chance to get to North Creek there is massage oil and some heavy duty cream in his drawer for his hands and feet. I am really tired of scooping dead skin out of that bed every time I'm there so I am on a mission to get rid of the dry skin!!
We should have some Christmas decorations up by next weekend, but I haven't gotten any suggestions!? If any of you can think of things Sonny would really like to see please let me know.
• MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2008 10:19 AM, CST
Hi all, Sorry it has been so long between entries. Those of you who have been in to see Sonny know that his neck is getting worse. This is being addressed and PT has ordered a splint. I took in a soft collar to use in the meantime and a friend has donated a memory foam contour pillow which is supposed to help. Hopefully we will have his head straight up again soon. On the plus side, Sonny passed his "swallow evaluation". He handled ice cubes without choking. So now he can start getting liquids to drink and can work towards actually eating!! I'm sure he will appreciate something in his mouth that tastes good.
Sam and I had a meeting last week with his care manager and the social worker. This was very good as we all learned from it. The splints have not been on his feet because of pressure sores which are a first and immediate concern. He will be getting up and into a wheelchair and should be getting a good, soaking bath soon. The nurses were very encouraged with his progress.
Debbie and Angela - thank you for being there when you can. Jimmy and David - I am sorry I missed you yesterday. Debbie told me you made Sonny smile!! Thank You !! Hopefully I can meet you next trip. We have room for more cards and pictures. Will be changing the picture board some for Christmas. Any suggestions for bring the holiday spirit into that room are welcome.
• SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2008 8:02 PM, CST
I was at North Creek yesterday and today and Sonny is doing well. He is still trying to get out of bed - or he is working his abs. Whichever, his face shows grim determination. To protect him if he falls again they have put a nice, cushy mat on the floor by the bed. I move it when I visit so you can too as long as you sit on the left side of his bed. Also, they are keeping his bed down low. The physical therapists started working with him on Thursday too. Hopefully he will get some of his range of motion back.
I can't get in every day during the week so if any of you can get there I know he appreciates the company. I'm usually there Tuesday and Thursday evenings. At least here we don't have to pay to park!! Or worry about walking to our cars after dark. On the other hand I know it is really impossible for some of you to get out that far.
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
• THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2008 12:53 PM, CST
I received a call from North Creek at 6:15 this morning to tell me that Sonny fell out of bed. He did not get hurt, broke the scab on his forehead and bled a bit but nothing serious. I wasn't surprised since he has leaned to the left for a long time and lately he has been trying to sit up, or move forward. Nursing facilities are not allowed to have rails on the beds because they are considered restraints so I'm not sure what they are going to do to prevent this from happening again. I figure since he didn't injure himself it is a good sign that he can move enough to roll himself out of bed!! I will be there this evening to check things out.
• SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2008 8:09 PM, CST
Sonny is settling in to North Creek. His temperature has stayed normal since that first day so I take that to mean he is comfortable there. He continues to become more alert and aware, a little at a time. He also seems to tire easily so will sleep for a while after any exertions. Sam and I put a book case in his room today so he has some shelves to put things on that he would enjoy seeing. I have also put pictures on the bulletin board and the cards he has received. He can see all of this from his bed. I know it will be difficult for some of you to make it out to Bothell, but cards and notes are also appreciated. His address is North Creek Rehab, 10909 NE 185th St., Room 215, Bed A, Bothell, WA 98011.
I have read the rules and regulation for this website and we can continue using it as long as we are not obscene or solicit money. So I will behave myself and continue to post Sonny's progress.
• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2008 7:42 PM, CDT
Sonny was moved to North Creek yesterday afternoon. He did run some fever last night and again this morning but that has pretty much resolved by this evening. I was able to be there yesterday and all day today and while he was agitated at times when being examined, he was very relaxed and sleeping when I left. Not only is this place a nice facility, this is the biggest two - bed room I have seen anywhere, but the care is excellent. Everyone has been so nice, not only to Sonny but also to Sam and I. I cannot begin to tell you what a relief it is to have him in a facility that is clean and safe!! Visitors are welcome, the doors are locked at 10:00 PM so that leaves a lot of leeway. Sonny is in room 215, bed A. He will be starting therapy soon so may be tired the rest of the time. They also have a very large bath tub with a sling so he can get a real bath!!
I will keep this updated as long as I can.
• MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2008 6:21 PM, CDT
We have found a nursing home and a doctor!! Actually she is my doctor, Dr Connie Smith. She is a Geriatrician, and has a lot of nursing home patients. She is also very good, and has a very long waiting list so we are very lucky to get her. She helped get Sonny in to the North Creek Rehab Center in Bothell. I haven't been there yet, but they look very good on the websites that show violations, on the low side. And not on either the state or national watch lists. Norman, the social worker at Harborview, said Sonny will probably be moved tomorrow as long as he doesn't run any fevers over night. The address for North Creek is 10909 NE 185th St, Bothell, 98011. If you want to visit it is off 405, Exit 24 for Beardslee Blvd.
I am very relieved and extremely glad to have him in a clean, safe facility with a good doctor. It is a big bonus that he is so much closer to home. I'm not sure if we will be able to continue with this website or if we will have to move it. Will let you all know.
• MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2008 8:07 AM, CDT
As of yesterday Sonny is still spiking a temp off and on. They are doing more blood work and have scheduled a bone scan - apparantly a bone scan can show if he is absorbing the nutrients he needs from the tube feeding "stuff". On Saturday when I was there I found a lot of the thick dandruff in his mustache as well as on his scalp. It was really bad and I couldn't get it out with a comb and a washcloth so when the nurse shaved him I had him shave the mustache off. We can let it grow again when we get rid of the dandruff on his head. It should grow really fast. I got him an electric razor and a hairbrush with soft bristles. He doesn't seem to mind getting his head brushed and it loosens the dandruff.
Still working on finding a nursing home that is clean. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
• THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2008 9:04 AM, CDT
Saw Sonny last night and he has really improved. His fever is down to normal and he has made some steps forward in overall recovery. The nurses were really excited to tell me that both of his pupils are now reacting to light!! This is a first because he has only had reaction in his right eye. Also, he is trying to talk!! What is coming out is gibberish, like a stroke patient. But I did hear his voice and he is trying to communicate. Life Care Center of Bothell has indicated that they would take him there and Sam and I checked it out yesterday. It is clean, has a good ratio of staff to patient, and a really good rehab program. Plus it is only three miles from my house!! So hopefully this is where he will go on discharge.
I am back to work so will not see him until Saturday, unless they move him sooner. Sam will be there in the evenings.
• MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2008 1:17 PM, CDT
Well, Sonny left Ballard faster than we thought he would. He ran a very high fever last night so was taken back to Harborview by the medics. He had already improved by the time I left at 2:30 AM. He is in room 608, bed 1, and will probably be there for about a week. So we are still researching nursing homes and rehab centers with much more co-operation from a different social worker at Harborview. I will post as often as needed to keep you all updated and Sam is doing her "Spam" text messages.
Thanks, Loretta
• SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2008 6:54 PM, CDT
Sonny has been moved from Harborview to Ballard Care and Rehab, unfortunately without notification to us or input from us. Sam and I will be working diligently the next few days to find another facility to take him and to get him moved. If anyone can make it in to see him we would appreciate it, because the care he gets is pretty much what Sam and I have been doing. I am not comfortable at all that anyone would even know if he choked or fell out of bed. He is in room 526, and we haven't taken any of his "stuff" in because we don't want him to be there longer than necessary. I don't think anything could improve that room anyway. I will post again as soon as we find another place.
Thank you, Loretta
• SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2008 7:51 PM, CDT
Just back from Harborview and we have really good news. They capped Sonny's trach on Thursday and it is still capped today so they will be able to remove his trach!!! The nurse said they would have done it yesterday but want to have Dr Whipple see him again before they do. This will make placement to a rehab facility so much easier because we won't be limited to the five who take trach patients.
Also, his left arm has been moving quite a lot, but nothing else has moved. Today Sonny not only moved his right arm but he moved both of his legs! That was a first. He is grabbing and pulling his gown and sheet with both hands, which is not always good as he pulls them "up" and is rather exposed. His nurse also said that she got some positive responses from him when she was bathing and shaving him. And she said he made some sounds like he was trying to vocalize.
So while Sonny is not really "awake" he is making progress and that is really encouraging. Thank you all again for your visits and your prayers. Please sign the guestbook here if you are able. We are printing the messages so Sonny can read them someday. He is probably the only one of us who will not remember this time but he should know all the people who have shown their caring.
• SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2008 7:46 PM, CDT
Hi again, I was at the hospital yesterday and today and talked a lot with the respiratory therapist. Last week they deflated the cuff on Sonny's trach so he had to manage his secretions (spit and snot) himself. He did well with that so yesterday they put in a different trach and capped it. Sonny made it for about three hours but couldn't keep his upper airway open. The ENT folks are going to check his throat, etc tomorrow. Otherwise we will just try again when he becomes more alert. On the plus side - he has a really good cough and is swallowing well!
Sonny did develope a couple of sores, so he now has a really classy mattress - an air mattress about 2 feet thick.
Thank you for all the cards that have been sent, many from people I don't know. I read them all to Sonny and taped them on the wall where he can see them. All prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated. And, they are working. Sonny gets more alert every week.
Thank You all.
• FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2008 8:06 PM, CDT
We love you and miss you, Bro. Your Grandfather hears your heart even when your lips are silent...He hears you! Hold on and come back to us!
Big love...Lorrie and Crew
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
oh I realize it's hard to take courage
in a world full of people you can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside you can make you fell so small
But I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors, and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors, true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow...
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
if this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
you call me up because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors, true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow...
• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2008 12:04 PM, CDT
I hope everyone will take a moment to browse the new photos of Sonny. He has such a sparkling personality and though right now the man inside remains very quiet, his life and spirit somehow come across in his pictures. I'm looking forward to the day when HE gets to browse this site and share his own thoughts...what a glorious day that will be!
Meanwhile, let's all keep sending that positive energy his way, keep praying, and keep standing with the MANY friends and family who have surrounded Sonny with loving support.
Lorrie...Sonny's sister
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -Plato
• SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2008 7:18 PM, CDT
Just got back from Harborview and Sonny is pretty much the same. He got to go outside in the cardiac chair today for about a half hour and the nurse said he had a good sleep after that. She also said he opened his mouth when she told him to when she brushed his teeth. Either that or he recognized that the toothbrush meant he needed to open his mouth. Either way he made a connection!! He is doing really well physically, all injuries are healed and all systems are working well. He will be ready for discharge as soon as there is a bed available and the funding is in place.
Sam is home from the hospital. Amen!! She is feeling much better and all is well there.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts. As his family we really appreciate it, and the time you all spend with him at Harborview. Sonny will express his appreciation when he wakes up!
Hi all, I was at Harborview today and Sonny got his PEG tube put in. This means he can get his "food" through a tube going directly into his stomach. So the feeding tube up his nose is gone!! He will probably be pretty hungry by tomorrow when they can start feeding him again.
Sonny did seem much more alert today. His right eye opens all the way and the left is just a little droopy. The nurses have noticed also that you can tell when he is "sleeping" and when he is "awake". His face is more expressive also during the awake times. So actually he looks pretty good, except that you can tell he is losing weight.
Sam is ill with a kidney infection so she won't be there for a few days, and I won't be there again til Saturday. I sure hope some of you can get in there tomorrow to say Hi to him for Sam and me.
• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 8:22 AM, CDT
On Sunday the news from the nurses was very encouraging. Sonny is off oxygen and on room air that is heated and moisturized. He is breathing and coughing very well. The pneumonia from last week has resolved but he is still running a temp at night which is delaying the placement of the PEG tube.
Sonny is still blinking, yawning, and moving around a bit. While his eyes are open at times he is still not responsive. The papers Sam talked about explain how and how much to talk to him. We all think he hears us, but he gets tired. Healing takes a lot of energy!! So your prayers, thoughts, and positive energy are much appreciated.
We will try to update this site more often for those of you who cannot be here. Thank you for signing the guest book if you can.
Loretta - Sonny's Mom
Today is Thursday, and he is still sleeping away. He has been opening his eyes and blinking more, and still yawning. However, when he opens his eyes he's not seeing anything yet, but hopefully that will change soon! Sonny is fighting a little bit of pneuomonia, but it's under control and not getting any worse, the next step is just for him to get rid of it, but that will just take time and antibiotics.
Sonny can have visitors, but he gets really tired really quick and easy. So if you are planning on going to see him please limit your time to about 30-60 min. There are some papers by his bedside that talk about the injury he has, and you are more than welcome to look through them to get a better idea of what he is going through.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I know EVERYTHING helps!
written by Allen Jefferson
Today is Saturday, and he is still sleeping soundly in a coma, and has not woke up yet. HOWEVER he is responding to touch and sound, and he looks FANTASTIC! He still has the Trake going down his throat because he has such a bad injury to his brain that he cannot control his airway. But! He is breathing totally on his own with no help from the ventalator anymore, which is awesome!
Lastly, he is yawning! I know it doesn't sound like much, but that is a NEW great thing to see him do!
• MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 7:11 PM, CDT
written by Allen Jefferson
This CaringBridge site was created just recently. Please visit again soon for a journal update.
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