Sonny and Lorrie (sister) in June 2005 |

The doctors were not encouraging about Sonny's prognosis at the beginning. They said he would likely never be able to be off his feeding tube, would never be able to communicate...essentially that there was not much hope. But they just didn't know Sonny. :)
Sonny eats ordinary food now, and can manage finger foods by himself. He takes all of his liquids by mouth and is learning to hold a cup himself. He smiles and kisses loved ones hello and see ya later (I hate the word goodbye), clearly makes it known when he is happy/angry/sad or doesn't feel well, even though he as yet has not regained the ability to speak verbally...YET. In short, he seems intent on proving all the nay-sayers wrong!
Meanwhile, the day-to-day struggles for him can take their toll. When everything you do requires great effort, it can become very tiring. We try to encourage his friends both far and near to stay in touch whenever possible. Of course visitors are ALWAYS welcome, and we do bring Sonny home for visits pretty often. But even cards, letters, photographs and emails also help to keep him in touch with the world at large. I often call a friend and hold my phone up to Sonny's ear so that they can talk to him...he always smiles at familiar voices. :)
Sonny and I have matching thread as the signature color for head injuries, and red because it is HIS favorite color. We never take them off. His injury is part of him now, and also part of all those who love him. We stand together that way...he is my only sibling, my Big Brother who on numerous occasions showed up to be strong for his little sister.
We try to keep his facebook updated with recent photos and information about how he is doing, and we share all posts and messages that people send in. Seeing people's faces and hearing their comments reminds him that he is not forgotten...just quiet, but definitely not forgotten. So, you can all find him there on his facebook page, here on his journal/blog page, and/or on his main website at Sonny's Road.
Sonny's address is:
13333 Greenwood Ave. Room #140
Seattle, WA 98133
His email address is:
We welcome your comments and we hope you will walk with us, and with Sonny, if even for just a few steps along this journey.
Lorrie...Sonny's very grateful little sister
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