"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ~Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Tuffy and Sonny, July 6, 2012
What a beautiful thing to have friends who stay in touch! For Sonny, it has been difficult to stay close to people he cares about because his communication has to come through us...his family and friends who can speak for him. Nonetheless, there have been some who remain close and Sonny always lights up when they stop by!

Buddies gabbing!
Tuffy came by on July 6th and again yesterday in July 17th, and once again Sonny beamed. I have to say, most people would not have gone to the lengths that Tuffy did in order to see his friend! He rides a motorcycle and the clutch cable went out a few blocks from Sonny's place, so he had to push his bike the few remaining blocks. Thenhe had to go get the part to repair the problem, which he did right there in the parking lot. THEN, he came inside and visited with Sonny for quite a while...it was great! We sat on the patio outside and enjoyed the fresh air and a soda pop while the guys gabbed.

The day before, Angela came by and visited with Sonny for a while in the afternoon, so he has had quite a good time seeing old friends! It is such a blessing to have people stop by to see him...he smiles and obviously enjoys connecting with people he is close to!

I am anticipating a trip to Greenlake with Sonny soon, whenever we have a day with minimal risk of rain. If anyone would like to meet us there for a walk, let me know and we can plan when/where to meet.

Sonny has been doing well recently, eating with assistance and very interactive. It is interesting to "read" the signals he gives us. I asked him yesterday if he wanted to grow his mustache out again and he reached up and stroked his upper lip with his fingers...I took that as a "Yes". So, we will give it a try and see how his skin behaves.

Once again, it was a blessing to see Sonny enjoy a visit from a treasured friend. Thanks to Tuffy and Angela for coming by, and to everyone who have been so supportive as we address issues within the facility and try to bring about positive change for ALL the residents there. We are so grateful for every friend...for every encouraging word...and most of all for Sonny's strong spirit that continues to teach us to PRESS ON!

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